Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Space In The Dump

Compilation of America's Trash

Trash is usually the common word that we use to refer to our garbage, or otherwise known as Municipal Solid Waste; consisting of anything that is normally and regularly discarded from our homes and community.  This does not include waste from industrial activities.  The weight of this waste, along with its volume are very important when it comes to the factors involved in how much space it takes up in the dump or landfill.  Conserving space is important because the build up of these materials can be devastating to the environment and fatal to it's inhabitants.  We can all make a difference; reduce, reuse, and recycle!!!


  1. I thought this post was very interesting because i didnt know that trash was called "municipal solid waste." Is the waste from industrial activites still called this also?

  2. Oh and VERY good chart!! It gave me a very nice visual!

  3. I really liked this chart. It was sad to see how much paper is just being thrown away when it could be recycled!
